KTO Karatay University Quality Commission
Name-Surname Title Mission
Prof. Fevzi Rifat ORTAÇ Rector Head of the Commission
Murat AYVACI Secretary General General Secretariat Delegate
Prof. Ümran ÇALIŞKAN Dean Faculty of Medicine Delegate
Prof. Faruk ÜNSAÇAR Dean Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences Delegate
Prof. Kerim ÇINAR Dean Faculty of Fine Arts and Design Delegate
Prof. Abdullah TOPÇUOĞLU Dean Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences Delegate
Prof. Filiz ERBAY Dean Faculty of Health Sciences Delegate
Asst. Prof. Hakkı Mert DOĞU Vice Dean Faculty of Law Delegate
Prof. Mehmet ÇELİK Head of Department School of Foreign Languages Delegate
Asst. Prof. Necati VARDAR Head of Department School of Applied Sciences Delegate
Lect. Şehnaz KÖSEOĞLU Head of Department Vocational School of Karatay Delegate
Prof. Ahmet AVCI Head of Department Vocational School of Trade and Industry Delegate
Asst. Prof. Hatice BALCI Head of Department Vocational School of Health Services Delegate
Dilek FİDANCIOĞLU Director Student Affairs Directorate Delegate
Emet ÖZDEMİR Vice Director Education-Instructional Planning Directorate Delegate
Sena KİRAZ Office Manager Strategy and Quality Management Office Delegate
Fatma TÜRE Student Representative Student Delegate- Head of the Quality Student Club 
Yusuf KOŞAR Secretariat Secretariat